Americans compare ‘most handsome prime minister in the world’ Sánchez to Superman

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman
Sanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez sets hearts aflutter in America with his 'good looks'

Reading the comments on Pedro Sánchez’s interview in the United States on Wednesday is like taking an advanced course in English compliments. ‘Beautiful’, ‘sexy’ and ‘handsome’ are adjectives most often used to describe the Spanish Prime Minister.

Both on Twitter and on YouTube, where MSNBC’s Morning Joe interview with Sánchez can be seen, viewers are generally praising the Spanish Prime Minister. Sánchez impressed with his answers, his good knowledge of the English language and his eloquence. Most impressive appears to have be his physique.


‘I didn’t know Clark Kent/Superman was the president of Spain,’ wrote one follower. ‘He should be in the film,’ said another. Yet another thought she could not ignore ‘the fact that he is incredibly handsome!'(including exclamation mark). Sánchez is ‘an exception’, because ‘politics and beauty are often mutually exclusive’. In the case of the Spanish Prime Minister, this is clearly not the case, writes an admirer in the comments of the YouTube video. Another user called him ‘the most handsome president in the world’, and several people wrote ‘viva España’ under the video.

Reason to move to Spain

Some are even considering moving to Spain, such as journalist Chris Morris’ partner. He suspects it is because the Prime Minister ‘looks like Superman’.

In the interview referred to, Sánchez explained he is on his American tour to promote investment in Spain. He clearly expressed his pride in Spain’s equality policy and his government; the government with the most women in Europe.

Many American viewers were also full of praise for the Spanish government’s fight for equality, but comments about the president’s physique won out by a wide margin.

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