Young man sparks huge debate on TikTok with this question about Díaz Ayuso

by Lorraine Williamson
politics Madrid

MADRID – A video uploaded by TikTok user @_sotorene a couple of weeks ago has now become one of the most discussed on the social media platform, following Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s landslide victory in the Community of Madrid. As we write, his video has been viewed nearly 650,000 times.

The video, which has generated a massive debate, features the user asking, “Why do you vote for Ayuso if you’re young? Give me a rational explanation, really. Because let’s see, how does Ayuso benefit you?”

Housing and travel

“On the topic of housing: most young people cannot become independent until around the age of 30. And she is against regulating rent and improving and enacting housing laws. She makes it harder for us. She is against raising salaries for everyone to allow us to become independent. She always refused to extend the youth voucher (Abono Joven in Spanish), for example, from the age of 26 until the age of 30, which could cost up to €100 if you live far away once the subsidies end,” the young person says.

Healthcare and education

Regarding healthcare, they claim that Ayuso is “destroying it” and that “she doesn’t support public education while there are numerous private and semi-private schools in Madrid.” “Really, how does she benefit you? Unless you’re one of the privileged few who is benefiting from your wealthy father’s tax cuts and don’t even have to pay wealth tax, I can understand that if you live in La Moraleja. But for the majority of young people… seriously, how does voting for Ayuso benefit you? Tell me,” he poses.

Support and criticism

This video has prompted numerous expressions of support but also a multitude of criticisms.

Cogesa Expats

For instance, one user remarks, “It couldn’t have been said louder but no clearer.” “Very well said 👏🏻,” another says. And this from another, “You are absolutely right but it seems that they do not see it or do not care 😞.”

On the other hand, one user states, “Ayuso is the best”. Another asks, “By subsidies, do you mean giving away money?” And yet another adds, “To put an end to young people, lazy and supported by those who work, that’s why Ayuso was voted”.

View the TikTok recording here (in Spanish)


no os entiendo #ayuso #jovenes #ppmadrid #vivienda #alquiler #parati #fyp

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