MADRID – The government of Spain, together with the autonomous regions, is finalising the reception of refugees from Ukraine. They want to be ahead of the ‘big influx’ of people from Ukraine. For this purpose, they are setting up three large reception centres.
To this end, the authorities designate Pozuelo (Madrid), Barcelona, and Alicante. In the coming weeks, they will add more centres for the first reception of Ukrainian refugees. An education centre of the Seguridad Social has been set up in Pozuelo as an initial reception. In Alicante, the local authorities are preparing the major film studio Ciudad de la Luz, and in Barcelona, there are two unnamed locations.
Collaboration with local aid organisations
Minister Escrivá of Migration Affairs explained in an interview with the Spanish national radio RNE that there is extensive consultation with the regions to coordinate the reception of refugees from Ukraine as well as possible. The authorities are working on location with local associations and aid organisations. They expect at least 6,000 refugees in the short term.
Family in Spain
The minister wants to make the most important available resources transparent as soon as possible, he said. He added that he expects that most Ukrainian refugees who are the first to arrive in Spain have relatives in the country. Still, Escriva said the government will use hotels that they can use as a shelter for one or two days. Thereafter, people can go to long-term locations or to family.
Special protection
“The Ukrainian refugees who come are under special protection all over Europe. This makes the paperwork for admission into the country a lot easier, they immediately have the opportunity to work and access to all possible international protection aid from the first moment,” he said. Escriva.
Related post: Ukrainians in Spain make homes available for refugees
The ministry is also working with consular services in Romania, Poland, Hungary, and Moldova to facilitate the transport of all refugees who want to come to Spain.
Special attention for children
The organisations in charge of the reception of the first refugees from Ukraine in Spain pay also special attention to children. The Spanish authorities, together with their Ukrainian colleagues and the Spanish embassy, want to channel as much as possible the transport of children in orphanages or who are on their own. This includes children with illnesses or disabilities.
First needs for Ukrainian refugees
The three first reception centers in Pozuelo, Barcelona, and Alicante are aware of the rights of these refugees. The local staff will ask everyone who arrives about their main needs. In this way according to the minister, Spain hopes to offer the Ukrainians the best possible reception in Spain.