MADRID – At a recent event in Getafe, Madrid, the Spanish President, Pedro Sánchez presented the National Strategic Plan for the Reduction of Childhood Obesity 2022-2030.
The plan aims to “guarantee the right to health of all children and adolescents”. Obesity is a worrying risk factor for the health of future generations.
Social inequality
During the event, Sánchez pointed out that “four out of every ten children and three out of every ten adolescents in our country are overweight. And, furthermore, this situation is undoubtedly the result of social inequality”. According to La Moncloa, it is a given that in households with very low-income levels, children are twice as likely to suffer from obesity.
Childhood obesity goal
Hence the need for the National Plan for the Reduction of Childhood Obesity. Furthermore, Sánchez added that “the goal for the year 2030 is to achieve a 25% reduction in overweight children and a 40% reduction in the associated social gap,”.
To achieve this, the government will develop all the mechanisms at their disposal. These include research, social awareness, coordination between all administrations, and, of course, funding. Therefore, “we will give priority consideration in the General State Budget to this issue” and in the regional and local budgets. Also, “we will involve the private sector in the development of the actions because we will declare this an Exceptional Event of Public Interest”.
As part of the plan to reduce childhood obesity, six strategies will be developed. Consequently, a social ecosystem will be generated that is favourable to physical activity and sport. These will include;
- healthy eating
- emotional well-being
- adequate rest
This will mean strengthening public systems to promote healthy lifestyles and ensure the protection of children’s health.
Over 200 measures are included, such as;
- promoting physical exercise
- the use of digital cards to obtain food aid
- the incorporation of nutrition education into school curricula
- “opening up school playgrounds” to increase access during non-school hours
- increasing the number of green and sports spaces in urban areas
- promoting the healthy and balanced use of screens
- raising awareness among families about the importance of healthy lifestyles and how to adopt them in a simple way.
Ernesto Gasco, High Commissioner for the Fight against Child Poverty attended the event. He also coordinated the plan. Also in attendance was María Neira, Director of Public Health and Environment of the World Health Organisation (WHO); the chef Joan Roca; the swimmer Teresa Perales, and the former basketball player and President of the Gasol Foundation, Pau Gasol.
Also read: Spanish children heaviest in all of Europe