MADRID – If health authorities in Spain were to recommend an additional shot against Covid-19, 89% of the population would be willing to get a third vaccine. Confidence in the vaccination was already high in Spain but has now increased even further.
This is shown by the latest WHO COSMO-Spain study, which is being conducted by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. This survey has been conducted every two months since May 2020. Therefore, it provides an overview of the knowledge and perception of the population about the risks of the pandemic.
Furthermore, the results of the eighth edition of the survey indicate that the Spaniards have growing confidence in the vaccinations. Also, that concerns about Covid-19 have further decreased, and that the current development of the pandemic is seen as positive.
No more fear of contamination
The research shows that Spaniards are less and less likely to search for information and that they have a growing confidence in science. Both the chance of becoming infected and of becoming seriously ill after being infected is now estimated to be lower than two months ago. Consequently, only 17% of those polled think there is a high chance of getting infected and only 24% think that Covid-19 will cause serious symptoms.
No more brakes on social encounters
When asked where it is most likely to be infected, most answer that this is in frequently visited indoor spaces, on public transport, or when socialising with friends or family. 32% of those surveyed indicate that it is easy to prevent infection (versus 27% in the previous survey). The preventive measures are generally still observed (mask, washing hands, ventilation). However, less and less attention is being paid to limiting social encounters and disinfecting surfaces.
The most often cited reason for being vaccinated is to protect one’s own health and that of others. The percentage who report getting vaccinated to be able to reunite with family and friends has risen from 43% to 49% in the latest survey.
No vaccination due to possible risks
As in the previous survey, 5% of the respondents indicated that they did not want to be vaccinated. A smaller percentage of them now cite a lack of information as the reason (31% versus 40%). The percentage that indicates that they want to wait a little longer has also decreased from 37% to 33%. The percentage that see vaccination as a health risk has increased from 45& to 51%. Also, more unvaccinated people now find the vaccine ineffective (from 27% to 36%).
Nearly a quarter has suffered financial loss
1042 inhabitants of Spain over the age of 18 participated in this latest survey. 34% of the respondents are between 45 and 60 years old. 32% of them have completed a university degree and 54% are actively involved in the labour process. Of this 54%, 47% said they physically go to work where there is an average risk of coronavirus infection. 22% of all respondents indicated that their financial situation has deteriorated in the past three months.