How to register your S1 form in Spain

by Lorraine Williamson
S1 form online application

The S1 form is a document that will allow you as a pensioner to request access to the Spanish healthcare system.

You can register your S1 form in Spain using the Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) online portal. The process is straightforward, however most of the forms are in Spanish. Therefore, it would be helpful to have someone with you who understands Spanish if you do not feel capable of this yourself. This updated information is supplied by the UK Government official website.

What is required

Before you begin the process, ensure you have the following;

  • An email address
  • A Spanish telephone number
  • An NIE number

Digital copies of documents

Once you have this, you will also need digital copies of the following documents;

  • The S1 form
  • A completed healthcare application form (the form is in Spanish)
  • A current passport
  • Your TIE (proof of residence card)
  • Proof of how any dependants are related to the S1 holder

Register online

When you have all these documents in a digital format, you will then be able to officially register online. You can do this through the INSS website. However, the form is in Spanish.

Save the completed form and then you will be ready to attach the required documentation. To do this, click on ‘enviar solicitud’ and follow the rest of the instructions confirming your identity. Again, this part is in Spanish. Should you have any further information you think is necessary, you can add this where it says ‘Datos de la solicitud’.

Upload documents

You are then ready to upload all the documents listed above that you have in digital format.  Then simply submit your form and verify your email address.


If you wish to check on the progress of your application, click here, and select ‘Ya he presentado una solicitud y quiero conocer su estado y/o aportar mas documentacion’.

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