Food alert: Salmonellosis outbreak in Spain 

by Lorraine Williamson

The Andalucian Ministry of Health has issued an alert regarding an outbreak of salmonellosis in the Seville town of Gerena. The culprit? Poorly stored white meat purchased from a food product sales establishment. 

Reports indicate according to Diario de Sevilla that six people fell ill with fever, vomiting, and diarrhea after consuming the contaminated meat. However, the good news is that all the cases have had a positive prognosis, and none required hospitalisation. 

Following the outbreak, health authorities have launched a comprehensive investigation and carried out epidemiological surveys to diagnose those affected. They have also inspected the establishment and sampled food remains. Shockingly, both biological and food samples have tested positive for salmonella, indicating that the establishment needs to be monitored by district health inspectors.  

Related post: Food warning in Spain about fresh mozzarella 

But this begs the question, what foods cause salmonellosis? Unfortunately, salmonella can be found in a variety of foods, including beef, poultry, eggs, fruit, pork, sprouts, vegetables, and even processed foods like nut butter, frozen meatloaf, or prepared chicken batter dishes. Contaminated food usually looks and smells normal, so it’s crucial to know how to prevent it. 

Salmonellosis is a very common foodborne infection caused by bacteria of the Salmonella type. To avoid falling victim to salmonellosis, ensure that you don’t consume raw or undercooked eggs, as well as those with yolks or whites of a liquid consistency. It’s best to cook eggs thoroughly to be safe. Additionally, heat and poorly refrigerated food provide the ideal conditions for salmonella to multiply. That’s why it’s essential to cool or freeze perishable and prepared foods. 

Related post: Mercadona product recalled due to food alert 

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