What is a cop from the right-wing stronghold of Guardia Civil doing at the left-wing Podemos?

by Lorraine Williamson
left-wing Podemos candidate - Jan Antonio Delgado Ramos

SEVILLE – The Guardia Civil, is known as a right-wing stronghold. That is why it is striking news that an agent from the ranks of the vigilante group is now a candidate for the left-wing Podemos party in the Andalucian parliament. 

The right-wing image of the Guardia Civil dates back to the Franco era when the Guardia Civil implemented the policies of the General and dictator in the Civil War (1936-1939) and the period afterward against the Republicans. 

This autumn there will be elections in Andalucia again. All parties with a presence in parliament, except VOX, have already determined their candidates. 

Regional Delegate 

The profile of the Unidas Podemos party is unusual, to say the least. Guardia Civil agent Jan Antonio Delgado Ramos is running for election as the regional deputy for the province of Cádiz. Delgado describes himself as ‘a Guardia Civil, Andalucian and leftist’, writes the newspaper El Español. 

Publication video 

The rumour about its position on the vigilante list started a few days ago when Podemos and Delgado themselves published a video about Delgado through social networks. In this, the agent emphatically presented himself as a left-wing Guardia Civil agent. 

“Here I am” 

“A Guardia Civil on the left? Yes, I am, here I am. The first Guardia Civil to enter parliament democratically and also represent a left-wing party. If I had presented myself for the PP or for the extreme right there would be no debate now, has there been?” said Delgado in the video. 

Humble origin 

The images in the video speak for themselves, in addition to the fact that Delgado emphasises his “humble origins” as the son of a construction worker and a housewife. Born in a neighbourhood in San Fernando, an area so often forgotten and ignored in this parliament,” the agent continues, referring to the Spanish parliament. 


Delgado is 51 years old and has 30 years of experience within the corps. For several years he was a national spokesman for the union for Guardia Civil agents. Through those activities he met Pablo Iglesias, then party leader of Podemos. It clicked between the two and Iglesias offered Delgado to be part of the match for Cádiz. 

In 2015 he started as a delegate. He did not get a seat in the 2019 elections but entered the House of Representatives to replace Noelia Vera. She left politics for personal reasons. 

Podemos is targeting Andalucia 

Delgado is now busy assembling his team to shape his candidacy and election. His party is targeting Andalucia. Here the Partido Popular (PP) supported by Vox has been in power since early 2019. Before that, it was the PSOE that has ruled the region continuously since 1978, and Delgado and the other members of his party now want to change that. 

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