This Spanish attraction crowned as Europe’s top rated monument

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monument mosque

Spain, renowned for its vast cultural and historical heritage, is home to some of the world’s most visited monuments. However, one monument stands out above all others, not just within Spain but across Europe.

According to Tripadvisor, Córdoba’s Mezquita-Catedral has been rated the best monument in Europe, with an impressive 86.3% of reviews awarding it five stars. For those who have visited this architectural marvel, this comes as no surprise. Its striking beauty, historical significance and religious symbolism make it a unique destination. 

A journey through time and art

The Mezquita-Catedral of Córdoba is more than just a building; it’s a living testament to the centuries-long fusion of cultures and architectural styles. Originally constructed as a mosque in 784 under the rule of Emir Abd al-Rahman I, successive Umayyad caliphs expanded the mosque, making it one of the largest in the Islamic world. Its iconic forest of red-and-white striped horseshoe arches and endless columns is one of the most recognisable elements of Islamic architecture.

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Mezquita Cordoba

Following the Reconquista in 1236, the new rulers consecrated the mosque as a Christian cathedral. Over the centuries, christian authorities added Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque elements, resulting in a remarkable blend of styles. The juxtaposition of the Christian chapel and Renaissance choir at the heart of the Islamic prayer hall amazes visitors, as these contrasting styles coexist harmoniously, offering a visual and emotional experience unlike any other.

Europe’s best-rated monument

What sets Córdoba’s Mezquita-Catedral apart from other European landmarks is the emotional journey it offers visitors. Every corner of the monument tells a story of Córdoba’s rich, multicultural history, reflecting the diverse heritage that has shaped the Iberian Peninsula. Its sacred atmosphere and exceptional preservation have earned it the highest ratings on review platforms like TripAdvisor, making it a must-visit destination for travellers from around the globe.

Also read: A weekend in Cordoba

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