MADRID – Of all Europeans, Spaniards experience the most corona weight gain. The average weight gain is 5.7 kilos. The Spanish have their own ideas on how to lose corona-weight, and would like to see the Spanish government encourage this.
Spain tops the list of European countries where residents gained the most weight since the start of the corona pandemic. From March 2020, Spaniards have gained an average of 5.7 kilos. Health platform, Ipsos conducted research into the living habits of people during corona times from 30 countries around the world. Ipsos asked people from these countries about their lifestyle habits throughout the pandemic between October 23 and November 6. Around the world, 31% of the population are acknowledged to have gained weight since the corona pandemic began.
Spain is the highest in Europe
Within Europe, Spain at 38% is the country reporting the highest percentage of people gaining weight since the pandemic began. However, strangely enough, Spain is also in the lead when it comes to how many people have lost weight since the crisis. This figure stands at 21%.
Spaniards have been getting active since the corona crisis
Despite large numbers of the Spanish population gaining weight, research shows that Spain is also one of the countries with the most weight loss since the corona crisis began. According to the research institute, more than 50% of people in Spain are actively trying to lose weight. Some claim that they are doing this to better cope with the negative consequences of the virus. 39% say they have stopped smoking, 18% take more vitamin D. All this to be more resistant to a possible corona infection.
Half of the Spaniards want to get rid of corona weight
When asking about the desire to lose the kilos, one in two Spaniards agree they would like to lose the extra corona weight gain. Spaniards mainly want to achieve this by eating fewer processed foods, smaller portions, or consuming less sugary drinks.
Help from Spanish government
Finally, Ipsos asked what measures the Spanish government should take to encourage weight loss in Spain. Almost half (44%) of the respondents think that the price of healthy food should be reduced; 18% believe that there should be more green areas for Spaniards to exercise and 16% believe that clearer labels on food should be introduced.