Spain to lift ban on arrivals from the UK

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Spain to lift ban on UK arrivals

MADRID – Spain announces it will lift ban on air and sea arrivals from the UK. UK nationals will be permitted entry from 6pm on 30th March.

Whilst Spain will lift ban on arrivals from the UK, the British government is restricting international travel until at least May 17th.

Which international restrictions remain?

The ban on arrivals from the United Kingdom other than for essential travel or to return home, has been in place since mid-December. This followed the discovery of the UK variant of the coronavirus and was a bid to contain its spread.

Passengers arriving by sea and air must show a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of travel.

Restrictions remain until at least mid-April on flights from Brazil and South Africa. That ban was put in place for similar reasons after virulent mutations were found in those countries.

Spain is a safe country

Government spokesperson María Jesús Montero made the announcement after Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting.

“Spain is a safe country that is strictly following the recommendations of the World Health Organization and the experts,” said Montero, the Europa Press news agency reported.

UK and Germany expand travel restrictions 

Spain may be accepting of UK visitors from the end of March, but the British government announced on Monday the introduction of fines (£5,000) for travellers going abroad for holidays.

Germany also extended its restrictions following a spike in infections. The government there has asked Germans to stay at home over the Easter period (April 1st–5th). However Spanish government spokesperson, Montero, ruled out a similar strict confinement.

Spanish authorities under fire

Spain is under fire for its approach to the forthcoming Easter break. Whilst Spanish regions have a perimetral lockdown, meaning no one can enter of leave the region without justification, they are allowing European visitors to arrive on Spanish shores.

On Monday, the European Commission called for “coherence” with regard to its travel restrictions within the EU.

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