Dusty sunday: A DANA to spread a calima across Andalucía

by Else BeekmanElse Beekman

The final Sunday of July will be marked by cloudy skies. Meteorology expert José Luis Escudero explains that a DANA (isolated depression at high levels) located at Cabo de San Vicente will, from midday onwards, spread suspended dust “across all of Andalucía.”

Escudero warns on his blog ‘Tormentas y rayos’ that “in some parts of our region, there might even be a few drops of muddy rain.”

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) shares this forecast for the day. They predict “skies with intervals of medium and high clouds,” including in Málaga. The approach of a DANA from the southwest of the peninsula will bring about calima (dust haze).

“Occasional thunderstorms and scattered showers are not ruled out from the afternoon in the eastern mountains and by the end of the day in the western third. There will be intervals of low clouds and mist along the Mediterranean coast, with possible fog, and suspended dust,” details Aemet in its official forecast.

Temperatures will remain steady or rise slightly. Winds are expected to be light and variable, shifting to a southern component in the western half and Levante in the rest, moderate with strong intervals along the eastern Mediterranean coast and the Strait area.

Yellow and orange heat warnings

For Sunday, Aemet has issued orange and yellow heat warnings for Córdoba, Granada, Jaén, and Sevilla (between 1.00 pm and 9.00 pm). In some areas, temperatures could exceed 40 degrees Celsius. The most affected zones will be the Córdoba countryside, Morena and Condado, Cazorla and Segura, and the Guadalquivir Valley. Significant temperature rises are also expected in the following areas;

  • Sierra and Pedroches
  • Subbética cordobesa
  • Genil Basin
  • Jaén capital and mountains
  • Sevilla countryside

Additionally, a yellow coastal weather warning will be in effect throughout the day in the provinces of Almería and Cádiz. East and northeast winds of 50 to 60 km/h (force 7) are expected. From 2.00 pm, the Strait area will also have a warning for maximum gusts of 80 km/h from the east.


Looking ahead to Monday, a similar situation is expected, with five Andalucian provinces under warning. “In the coming days, the weather in our country will be influenced by a small DANA descending in the Atlantic. This will move into the western peninsula before being quickly reabsorbed by the polar jet stream. This ‘cold drop’ will bring several weather phenomena, including stormy showers in western Andalucía,” reports Meteored.

What is a calima?

A calima is a weather phenomenon characterised by the presence of dust and sand particles in the air, typically originating from the Sahara Desert. This dust is carried by strong easterly or southeasterly winds, often affecting regions like the Canary Islands and sometimes even reaching the Spanish mainland.

When a calima occurs, it can significantly reduce visibility and cause the sky to appear hazy or even orange. The air quality can deteriorate, leading to potential respiratory issues for sensitive individuals. Additionally, temperatures often rise during a calima due to the hot, dry air being transported from the desert.

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