MADRID – Spain always needs people to donate blood, but at times, some types are more scarce than others. Also, depending on if or when you lived in the UK, you might not be eligible to donate. So please check with your local health authority.
La Policia Nacional state that “to donate blood is donating life”! They also say, “perhaps, one day, you or someone close to you will need it”. This is true in every city throughout Spain, and also throughout the world.
However, for some people, particularly ex-pats, it is impossible to donate. If you lived in the UK between 1980 and 1996 (for a minimum of one year) will not be able to donate blood in Spain. This is due to the risk of transmitting mad cow disease. Similarly, there are restrictions if you have received a blood transfer in the UK. However, each region may have different rules about donation. Therefore, it is important you check with the local authority before considering donating. Moreover, you can contact the blood donation website in Madrid.
Constant need for people to donate blood
According to the Comunidad de Madrid, blood donations are essential on a daily basis. Donations are necessary for carrying out multiple treatments and interventions. They stress, “if you have never donated, you can start today”. They continue, “If you are already a donor: remember that you can donate every two months. If you are a man, this is up to a maximum of 4 times a year, if you are a woman, it is 3 time”.
Campaign of blood donation marathons in hospitals launched
This campaign has the motto “Marathon of life”. The incentive “Donate blood”, only in the month of October has prompted ten hospitals to join the organisation. Of these their objective is to reinforce the reserves, depleted after the summer season. This is especially true this year after the heat waves of the month of July which made donation difficult.
The Transfusion Centre encourages the people of Madrid to collaborate with their reference hospitals in these solidarity events. There are similar efforts throughout the country.
Therefore, if you can’t make it during a marathon, go any day. Blood transfusion centres always need you!!