December heat brings new record in Spain with almost 30 degrees

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december heat

MADRID – Although the heat is now over, several zones in Spain have recorded temperatures that are unprecedented for the month of December. For example, it was almost 30 degrees in Malaga and Coín in the south. The december heat has broken more records in the country.

With an officially recorded temperature of 29.9 degrees, it was the highest temperature ever recorded in that month in the whole of Spain. Moreover, December is already the warmest month since 1942. In Alicante, Mallorca, Murcia and Valencia it was also much warmer than you would expect just a week and a half before Christmas. Some places recorded the warmest December weather since 1922 or 1942. Meaning it hasn’t been this warm in more than a century or eight decades.

Values up to 10 degrees higher than normal

According to Aemet spokesperson Ruben del Campo, values were reached in much of Spain that were 5 to 10 degrees higher than normal for the period from December 10 to 12.

The first record was set in Soria on Sunday morning, when the temperature in Soria dropped to 9.8 degrees Celsius at 6:40 am. That was the highest minimum temperature in this place in December since 1943. Two other records followed on Monday. Valencia airport registered 27.7 degrees (December record since 1966). Furthermore, in Murcia people could enjoy 26.6 degrees (not measured since 1984).

May temperatures in Valencia

The heat peak was on Tuesday. At that time, the average temperature in the Valencia region was “equal to that of a normal day in mid-May”, according to Aemet Valencia.

Cogesa Expats

The previous record for Malaga in December was 24.5 degrees. That means it is now broken by almost 5 degrees. According to Aemet, records with such a large difference are much less likely without the effects of climate change.

Not the first record

Spain has already broken records this year. For example, it was 38.8 degrees in Cordoba in April (almost 5 degrees more than the previous record in that month). At Valencia airport it was 46.8 degrees, the hottest all year. The previous highest temperature there was 43.3 degrees.

Other records at measuring stations not part of the Aemet network were recorded in the Valencia region in Xativa (28.7) and Ontinyent with 28.6 degrees. In Novelda it was 29.1 degrees and in Rojales 27.3 (both in the province of Alicante).

Cold wave approaching

Aemet predicts a quick end to the summer weather. Many people took advantage of it, as could be seen on the beaches along the Mediterranean Sea. Temperatures will drop from Wednesday due to the arrival of an Atlantic front in the northwest. Particularly in the Cantabrian region and in the south. From Thursday, a high pressure area will ensure stable and colder weather. Rain remains limited to the north. In many areas there will be night frost this coming weekend due to colder air.

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