Spain wants booster shot for all adults

by Lorraine Williamson
booster shot

MADRID – Spain is preparing for a booster shot for every adult. A video statement from Doctor Andrea Ammon of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control concluded, “there are still too many individuals at risk of severe COVID-19 infection whom we need to protect as soon as possible. We need to urgently focus on closing this immunity gap, and offer booster doses to all adults”. Spanish regions are currently working on additional vaccinations for the over 60s and 70s. 

The extremely rapidly rising corona figures in Europe are causing concern, including in Spain. ‘Give every adult a booster shot’, is the advice of Doctor Ammon of the ECDC

Figures in Europe and Spain are rising fast 

According to experts consulted by in various EU countries, the relaxation of measures and the insufficient vaccination coverage is leading to an explosion in the figures. In hospitals, too, the proportion of unvaccinated people is still much higher. Spain has also seen the numbers increase in recent weeks. The incidence rose to 148.8 cases per 100,000 population on November 24. A week ago, this incidence was on average 96.1. 

Booster shot for all adults in Spain 

Because of these rapidly rising numbers, the Ministry of Health in Spain indicated on Wednesday that it would like to offer a third dose to all adults. This may be administered at least six months after the last injection. An extra dose is currently already being given to the over 70s. And soon people over the age of 60 will also receive an invitation. 

Cogesa Expats

Initially, the plan was only to offer this booster shot to Spaniards over 60 years old and the most vulnerable people. However, the Ministry now wants to lower this limit. Furthermore, it hopes to make the booster shot available to all adults, with priority for people over 40. 

Will Spain also vaccinate young children? 

Infections among children under 12 years of age still remain highest in Spain. This target group has an incidence of no less than 233 cases per 100,000 in the past two weeks. In addition to the booster shot for adults, the EU is currently also examining the research results of vaccinating children between the ages of 5 and 12. An opinion on this is expected to be issued within the EU this week, after which the Spanish government will look into adopting this advice. 

Booster campaign coincides with flu vaccination 

However, this is not simply arranged in Spain. The Ministry of Health still has to submit this plan to various committees and, after approval, it must be coordinated with the Inter-Territorial Council for Health and with the autonomous regions that have to put it into effect. In this case, this new booster campaign will have to be planned at the same time as the flu vaccination that many autonomous regions are already working on. 

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