Rain in the north and summer heat in the south of Spain

by Lorraine Williamson
north and south weather extremes

MADRID – The weather in Spain offers a varied picture on Tuesday. In the north of the peninsula – finally – showers dominate, and in the south it is again warm in summer. Whereas, the Canary Islands are experiencing severe coastal phenomena. 

According to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), collected by Servimedia, the temperature will fall in the western and northwestern third of the peninsula and will rise in the Mediterranean, the southeast and the Canary Islands. 

Among the provincial capitals, it gets hotter in Guadalajara (39 degrees), Córdoba and Seville (37) and Huelva (35). Instead, it will soften more in Oviedo and Santander (18), A Coruña and San Sebastián (20) and Bilbao, Burgos and Vitoria (21). 

Temperatures will be more typical for July and August than for the first ten days of May in the following areas;

  • Guadalajara (39)
  • Córdoba and Seville (37)
  • Huelva (35)
  • Granada (34)
  • Jaén (33)
  • Albacete (32 )
  • Cadiz (28)

Atlantic Front 

On the other hand, an Atlantic front will hit the northern third of the peninsula, with overcast skies, rain and occasional showers. The front will spread from west to east throughout the day, affecting Galicia, the Cantabrian area, the Pyrenees and northeastern Catalonia. 

Cloudy periods are expected in the rest of the northern half and the Balearic Islands, with a chance of showers inland north of Madrid, more likely in the Balearic Islands and on the northern coast of Catalonia at the end of the day. 

Sun in the south 

However, the sun will shine in the southern half of the peninsula. The Canary Islands have intervals of low cloud in the north of the islands with the highest relief. 

Cogesa Expats

Finally, the westerly and northwesterly winds will predominate, with a tramontana in Menorca (a dry, cold and strong wind, blowing from the northwest) and, with strong intervals, in Ampurdán (Girona) and the Ebro Valley. On the Atlantic slope, it will blow to the northwest, with a tendency to roll to the northeast. In the Strait and Alborán it will tend to the west. 

The Canary Islands will have strong trade winds with very strong gusts. Not surprisingly, much of the archipelago is warned of wind gusts of 70 to 90 km/h, depending on the area, and coastal phenomena. 

Possible DANA in Catalonia 

Meteocat expects a possible DANA in Catalonia. The arrival of a cold front is responsible for the weather change that Catalonia will experience from Tuesday, May 9. From the afternoon, the clouds will become more and more compact as precipitation begins, initially in the Pyrenees and the Pre-Pyrenees, but later it will spread to other areas in the northeast and east of Catalonia. There is even the possibility that it will rain in Barcelona on Tuesday evening. 

It will be an episode of rain and storm unrecorded in the region for a long time. On Wednesday, rain will continue to be more or less present in the northeastern regions. However, on Thursday, and especially Friday, the rain will be general in almost all regions, which will register abundant or very abundant rainfall. Moreover, that will work out well with the water reserves in the Barcelona region at only 14.6%. 

The phenomenon responsible for this meteorological situation is referred to as DANA, high-level isolated depression. Also called ‘gota fría’ in Spanish (cold drop). It will arrive on Thursday. At an altitude of 1,600 metres, the air temperature will drop from about 15 degrees to 3-6 degrees. This means that temperatures will fall below normal values for May and that we could see snow again in the Pyrenees. 

From here, the different models predict different precipitation intensities in the medium term, depending on the area. However, everything indicates that there will be abundant rain in the Pyrenees, Girona and points in Barcelona. Lleida, the south coast of Barcelona and the Ebro regions receive less significant precipitation. 

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