Madrid woman raped by Dutch festival boss

by Lorraine Williamson
Madrid rape

A 52-year-old woman from Madrid stated on Instagram on Wednesday that she was raped by the Dutch Brian B., organiser of, among others, Dance Valley and Dutch Valley. The suspect was detained in Spain, but has been free in the Netherlands for a few weeks now. 

Spanish Carol Sepúlveda claims to have been raped in her home in the Spanish capital, Madrid in April by the 48-year-old entrepreneur from the Netherlands. The victim was with a group of friends at a hotel in Madrid. The same hotel where Brian B. was staying with his wife and their baby. Seemingly, he was interested in the art Sepúlveda made. And at the end of the evening, he asked if he could see it. When the woman let him into her apartment, Brian B. struck and he allegedly raped her. 

Suspect was held in Spanish prison for a month 

The Spanish police confirmed that the Dutchman was arrested on April 10 and that a charge was registered by the court in Madrid on April 11 for sexual assault. Carol Sepúlveda’s story describes that Brian B. was in prison in Spain but that he was released on bail a few weeks ago. Brian B. is indeed at large again at the moment and back in the Netherlands. However, the woman’s story has not yet been confirmed by Justice in Spain. 

Dutch entrepreneur denies all allegations 

Her story shows that all this happened in April. In a statement, Brian B. said on Wednesday that he was indeed arrested by the Spanish police. He is said to have been released by the Spanish judge after his period in prison after “hearing both sides of the story”. The Spanish court has not yet responded and it is still unclear to what extent the judicial investigation has progressed. However, the suspect still denies the allegations made by Sepúlveda. 

Cogesa Expats

The legal system in Spain is failing, according to victim 

Carol Sepúlveda’s Instagram message can be read on her own account. Here she says: “The way this man acted and he raped me made it clear to me that he must have done this more often. I want to prevent that, as long as the investigations last, he makes more victims, also in the Netherlands. After the rape, he told me he would kill me if I told anyone about it.” 

raped in Madrid


By coming out with this story, Sepúlveda hopes she can prevent more victims from falling. She is also angry with the legal system in Spain that they do not act quickly and adequately. 

Although Brian B. vehemently denies the story, the police report (dated April 10, 2022) writes about the injuries to the woman’s neck and knees, pain in and around the vagina and the finding of semen on her clothing, According to the doctor, this is sufficient reason to conclude that sexual aggression has taken place. Finally, Brian B. said in his short statement that he looks forward to the legal proceedings with confidence. 

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